Year 1 Pedestrian Training

On the 18th June, Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed their pedestrian training, where they learnt all about how to remain safe when travelling around. 

Our wonderful trainers made their own pavement and road for the children to practice a range of different strategies and techniques for safety, such as how to use a zebra crossing and how to read the traffic light signals. They used the Stop, Look, Listen and Hold hand puppets to reinforce the steps necessary before crossing the road and children were engaged throughout, taking on the role of a bike, truck and even a lollipop lady! They all took their roles seriously, as you can tell from the photos. The kids really loved this experience and are asking for the next one already!'

Here were some of the children's takes on the session:

  • 'That was so much fun'
  • 'I love road safety'
  • 'I am going to remind my mummy I need to wear my seatbelt'
  • 'I love the stop, look, listen song'