Latest News

July 2024

  • Read Our Latest Newsletter

    Published 05/07/24

    Friday 5 July

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  • First Aid/St John's Ambulance Workshop

    Published 03/07/24

    With only 12 days left until the end of term - learning is still first and foremost in Belmore. We were delighted to have the amazing opportunity of welcoming Caroline from St. John's Ambulance in Hayes, who gave Year 5 and Year 6 children a workshop on first aid. We know how to deal with a casualty in a calamity, apply bandages to stop bleeding, who to call AND the correct way to use CPR. Caroline was knowledgeable,  engaging and delivered potentially life-saving advice. If you attend a festival, sports event or somewhere with a large crowd, look out for the green uniforms and be thankful so many people volunteer to keep you safe!

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