Latest News

Page 11

  • Year 3 Art 'Contrast and Complement'

    Published 17/11/22

    Year 3 have been exploring the colour wheel and expanding their knowledge of how colours are used together.

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  • Anti-Bullying Day

    Published 14/11/22

    Belmore Primary Academy’s definition of bullying;

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  • Poppy Appeal 2022 - Huge £690.01 raised!

    Published 11/11/22

    On Friday, 11th November Belmore Primary Academy remembered those that have and are fighting in wars. 

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  • Online Safety Workshop

    Published 10/11/22

    Today we held two parent workshops about online safety, one in person and one online.  

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  • Diwali

    Published 21/10/22

    On Friday, 21 October children came dressed in celebration clothes as we celebrated Diwali. As you can see some of the outfits looked fabulous!!!
    All the children had found out about this very special celebration in the Hinduism, Jainism and Sikh religions in assemblies this week.  Belmore Primary Academy wishes all our families that are celebrating a very Happy Diwali.  


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  • Fright Night Discos

    Published 21/10/22

    All the children had a fantastic time at our Fright Night' Discos. 

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  • #Hello Yellow - World Mental Health Day

    Published 14/10/22

    Children and staff at Belmore Primary Academy wore yellow on #Hello Yellow Day to help raise awareness for World Mental Health Day. 

    It was lovely to see the school filled with lovely bright yellow for such an important cause. 

    A big thank you to our parents/carers for helping us by helping their children to participate in this event. 

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  • World Teachers Day

    Published 14/10/22

    It's World Teachers Day today. Our Head Boy and Head girl distributed Donuts to all our Teachers to say a huge thank for all their hard work.

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  • Years 4 and 5 Voted For Council Elections

    Published 06/10/22

    Today, years 4 and 5 voted in Belmore's Pupil Council Elections.

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  • Macmillan Coffee Morning

    Published 30/09/22

    It was fantastic to see so many parents coming in to enjoy their cake, coffee and chat. 

    Once again, Mrs Morgan did amazing job arranging this event and baking ALOT of delicious cakes/cupcakes. 

    Thank you to Mrs Payne who baked a delicious chocolate cake that was a crowd favourite, and also to Mr Chamberlain for his cake contribution. 

    A huge thank you to all parents and staff that made a donation. 

    We were appreciative of the generosity of so many, from those that could attend, and those that couldn't attend but still contributed. 

    Once again, thank you to all that supported this event, especially for this very worthy cause. 

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  • Rocks and Soils

    Published 26/09/22

    In Science Year 3 have been studying Rocks and Soils. Today at the start of the lesson we practiced some retrieval questions about what we have learnt about Rocks and Soils so far.

    In the main part of today's lesson, as scientists we investigated a number of different rocks and working together, we grouped them in different groups according to any criteria we chose. This is called classification. We then had to explain our decisions based on the appearance and properties of the rocks

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  • National Teaching Assistant Day

    Published 16/09/22

    It's National Teaching Assistant Day today. Our Head Boy and Head girl distributed Donuts to all our TAs, HLTAs and support staff to say a huge thank for all their hard work.

    We are really grateful for everything they do, and we are extremely lucky to have such a caring and supportive team at Belmore.

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