Latest News

Page 12

  • Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II

    Published 09/09/22

    Children and staff at Belmore paid tribute to Her Majestty Queen Elizabeth II during their morning assembly.

    They will also be observing a two-minute silence at 2:00pm to commemorate the passing of the queen and to honour her incredible life and devoted service.

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  • Year 4 Yoga

    Published 08/09/22

    Year 4 enjoyed a very relaxing yoga session today.

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  • Thank You Letter from the Queen!

    Published 02/09/22

    The Queen sent a letter of appreciation to the students of Belmore Primary Academy for the splendid letters were sent to her on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee. She was grateful for all the good wishes and the nice things said to her on her Platinum Jubilee. 

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  • VIP Assembly for Sunshine Class/Rainbow Room

    Published 21/07/22

    Mr Hyatt held a special Celebration Assembly on Thursday, 21 July. 

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  • Summer Celebration Event

    Published 21/07/22

    On Friday, 15 July it was fantastic to be able to hold our Summer Celebration event. It was nice to finally be able to have the community back together to enjoy an afternoon of music, dancing, sports and picnicking.

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  • Book Mark Super Readers

    Published 21/07/22

    Belmore Primary Academy have loved having the support of Book Mark Reading to give some of children the amazing opportunity to read with a volunteer (via the computer) two times a week for at least 6 weeks. The volunteers were so impressed with these Reading Super Stars and said that they really enjoyed working with these children. 

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  • End of Year Performances

    Published 19/07/22

    All the children did an amazing job being Maths Rock Stars in Years Reception to Year 5.  

    Year 6 finished things off with the grand finale from their production 'The Greatest Show'.

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  • Whole School VIP Assembly

    Published 19/07/22

    One child per class from Nursery to Year 6 was nominated by teachers for the Pupil of the Year, Pupil of the Term and the Right Choice award. Certificates were presented to the children at the special VIP assemblies this week. We would like to congratulate them all for their hard work and for making positive choices. 

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  • Sunshine Sports Day

    Published 13/07/22

    We held Sports Day for all our Sunshine children.  

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  • Sports Days

    Published 11/07/22

    Our Sports Days have been a total success this year.  So much enthusiasm and committed performances despite the heat!

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  • Year 6 Residential Trip to Butlin's

    Published 13/06/22

    Watch this space for daily updates!

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  • Queen's Jubilee Celebrations

    Published 27/05/22

    Belmore Primary Academy had a fantastic day on the 27th of May celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. 

    The children looked fantastic dressed in Red, White and Blue, as royalty themselves or looking very smart as if they were going to see the Queen. 

    In the morning the children worked on a range of activities about the Queen and the Jubilee, and also practised the National Anthem and a special Jubilee song in their classes. 

    At 11.30am the whole came out for a special assembly led by Mr Hyatt. It was such a surprise when the 'Queen' arrived. Everyone proudly sang the National Anthem, and loved waving their flags as we sang the Jubilee song. We gave the 'Queen', three cheers and the Head Boy and Head Girl gave her some flowers to say congratulations on being Queen for 70 years. 

    Before we headed off for our picnic lunch, we did a curtsy or a bow to the 'Queen'. 

    We all enjoyed our delicious picnic lunch and had a lot of fun playing and dancing on the field. 

    In the afternoon, the older year groups visited the younger year groups to share and talk about the work they had done all about the Queen. 

    To finish off the day we got to enjoy an ice lolly. 

    This was definitely a memorable day, with lots of fun! 

    We all enjoyed celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. 

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