Latest News

Page 14

  • Kindness Challenge

    Published 23/11/21

    A huge thank you  to Ayaan's mother for sending us this email about Ayaan's Acts of Kindness. 

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  • Children in Need

    Published 19/11/21

    Belmore had a fantastic day supporting and fundraising for BBC Children in Need.  Parents, children and staff made an amazing effort supporting this cause. 
    The children looked spectacular in their spotty, gold and/or Pudsey clothes and enjoyed doing Pudsey arts and crafts in Breakfast Club. 

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  • Anti-Bullying Week

    Published 15/11/21

    Belmore took part in 'Odd Sock Day' for the start of Anti-Bullying Week to celebrate how we are all different and unique.

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  • Road Safety Week

    Published 15/11/21

    Belmore Primary Academy was so lucky to have members from the Hillingdon Borough STARS (Schools Travel and Road Safety) Team come in throughout Road Safety Week to work with the whole school. 

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  • Poetry Slam

    Published 15/11/21

    On Monday 15th November Year 6 visited Barnhill to take part in a cross-trust Poetry Slam, we joined up with Barnhill and William Byrd students to share poems we had written about Remembrance. It was a fun filled event with a range of interesting, thought-provoking poems being read aloud on stage by pupils in Year 5,6,7 and 11.

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  • Remembrance Day

    Published 11/11/21

    On Thursday, 11th November Belmore Primary Academy remembered those that have and are fighting in wars. 

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  • Nursery

    Published 10/11/21

    This month Nursery have been very busy. We have been exploring the Nursery woods on an Autumn hunt to make 'Leaf People' pictures. We finished off our Autumn topic by having a surprise guest who was very prickly!

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  • Diwali

    Published 05/11/21

    Belmore celebrated Diwali “Festival of Lights” by dressing in colourful clothes.

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  • Art Week

    Published 22/10/21

    This half term, children at Belmore have completed a mini art project focusing on different skills. Nursery and Reception children have learnt how to choose colours to create pieces of artwork with different techniques.

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  • Fossil Making

    Published 18/10/21

    This half term Year 3 have been looking at Rocks and Soils in Science. We have learned about properties of rocks such as: permeability, hard, soft and fizziness.

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  • Ukulele

    Published 15/10/21

    Over the last month, the children in Year 5 have really enjoyed learning how to play the ukulele in their music lessons. To play most songs, the most important ukulele chords to learn are C, D, G, and E.

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  • Me and my Community

    Published 14/10/21

    In Reception, we have been learning all about ‘Me and my community’ and ‘Autumn’ during our project lessons. The children have discussed their family and things that are special to them.

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