Latest News

Page 17

  • #HelloYellow Event

    Published 09/10/20

    On Friday 9 October Belmore wore yellow for World Mental Awareness Day #HelloYellow to spread awareness and show young people they are not alone in their mental illness.

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  • Ice Cream

    Published 01/10/20

    Belmore children had an exciting lunch treat to look forward to for all their hard work and huge achievements coming back to school.

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  • MacMillan Coffee Morning

    Published 25/09/20

    A huge thank you to Ms Morgan who did a fantastic job at baking all the cakes - the glass dining hall looked like an episode from the Great British Bake Off!

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  • From the Children at Belmore

    Published 06/07/20

    Belmore children arranged a surprise video with a special reply message to all the staff at Belmore thanking them for all their hard work and efforts during the school closure.

    Belmore continues to be an amazing place even from home... We hope you like it!

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  • A special video message from the staff at Belmore

    Published 19/05/20

    These have been difficult times for all of us.  We have been apart for a very long time.  Although we have not been allowed to be together, the staff at Belmore wanted you to know that they have missed you all and they have always been thinking of you.

    Check out their video message to you all here.

    I can't wait to see you all again.  Hopefully that will be very soon.

    Take care for now

    Mr Bateman

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  • Brunel University Trip

    Published 12/03/20

    On Thursday 12 March, Year 6 used public transport to make their way to Brunel University, where we participated in a range of activities. The children learnt how to conduct themselves in society and how to be safe in the wider environment and at home. We had a great day learning how to be model citizens!

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  • Garden Club

    Published 11/03/20

    Garden Club children have been working hard on the school garden. They have tidied the Polytunnel, cleared all the flowerbeds from weeds, and planted a variety of 80 seeds into small pots.

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  • KS1 and KS2 Art Exhibition

    Published 06/03/20

    Belmore children put together a fantastic display of Art Work exhibited to parents/carers. 

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  • World Book Day

    Published 05/03/20

    Belmore had a great day celebrating World Book Day and everyone's costumes looked fantastic.

    The children spent the day reading books and discussing their favourite characters. We had a fabulous day and the children wore some amazing costumes.

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  • World Maths Day

    Published 03/03/20

    On Tuesday 3 March, parents/carers were invited to visit classrooms as part of World Maths Day. After a short presentation by Ms Sahota, who shared some easy ways for parents/carers to practice maths activities with children in every day life. Parents/carers then went into their child's Maths lesson.

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  • Dentist Visits Belmore

    Published 28/02/20

    Children at Belmore were taught the importance of regular toothbrushing. It helps to remove the bacteria and plaque that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

    It is recommended that everybody brushes their teeth twice a day – in the morning and before going to bed at night. 

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  • Pancake Day

    Published 25/02/20

    Belmore celebrated Pancake Day with all the children taking part in pancake races. The most exciting part was when the adults showed off their skills at pancake flipping!

    Everyone had a great time.

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