Latest News

Page 19

  • Harvest Festival Collection

    Published 31/10/19

    Thank you to everyone who generously donated towards our Harvest Festival Collection this year.

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  • Fright Night Disco

    Published 31/10/19

    The children had a fantastic time at the Halloween Disco and danced the night away with a live DJ.  All of the children’s costumes looked fantastic and incredibly scary! 

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  • Year 6 Trip to Whipsnade Zoo

    Published 30/10/19

    On Wednesday, Year 6 visited Whipsnade Zoo for our science topic on ‘Adaptation’ and looked at how different animals adapt to their environment to survive and hide from predators.

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  • Year 5 Trip to France

    Published 14/10/19

    Our Year 5 children started their journey to France This morning.  Keep a track here of what they are up to on a daily basis with our regular updates.

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  • Art Week

    Published 11/10/19

    This term Belmore participated in a whole week of Art. The theme of the week had a literacy focus and each year group created their masterpieces inspired by a story book that teachers shared with the children.

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  • Schools for Success

    Published 04/10/19

    Outstanding achievements of Belmore recognised by the Mayor of London

    The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has celebrated the outstanding performance of Belmore with an awards ceremony at City Hall in London.

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  • MacMillan Coffee Morning

    Published 27/09/19

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Macmillan Coffee Morning. It was lovely to see so many parents, and members of the community enjoying a cake and coffee over a friendly chat.

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  • National Language Day

    Published 26/09/19

    Belmore children looked very colourful in flag colours from all around the world and enjoyed learning aboutdifferent countries and traditions.

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  • National Fitness Day

    Published 25/09/19

    We all got in shape ready for National Fitness Day from the roof tops! 

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  • Year 6 Prom

    Published 18/07/19

    The prom was a huge success! All the children had a fantastic time at the Hawaiian themed prom. There was  music and dancing, laughter and tears however it was a fantastic way to say goodbye to the class of 2019! We wish you all success for the future! 

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  • Summer Fair

    Published 12/07/19

    What better way to start than with all the children singing with their year group to the parents so everyone could celebrate being the No.1 School in Hillingdon together.

    After the singing, the parents and children enjoyed all the fun of the fair. People enjoyed eating picnic lunches that they had brought in or had burgers and treats they had bought from some of the stalls.

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  • Year 1 London Zoo Trip

    Published 10/07/19

    Year 1 had a fantastic time at London Zoo on Thursday. The weather was sunny and the children did a lot of walking! The children saw a penguin show where they learnt some amazing facts about penguins around the world. 

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