Latest News

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  • On the Right Road

    Published 18/04/24

    Today, the Wizard Theatre Company visited Year 2 children and delivered a play about the different ways children can make their journey to school. The actors were hilarious, and we even had a workshop and quiz with a famous presenter named Wavy Davy (who isn't really famous!).

    We learnt some interesting information today. For instance, it's not illegal to ride a bike without a helmet, but it is illegal if the bike doesn't have front and back brakes. Furthermore, we learnt that it's not allowed for anyone to stand on the top deck of the bus, among many other fun facts.

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  • Road Safety Walk

    Published 27/03/24

    On Friday 8th March, Year 2 children went on a 'Road Safety Walk'.  Children learnt how to cross the road safely and used the 'STOP, LOOK and LISTEN' rule.  They learnt how to use their eyes, ears and to think when crossing different roads including a zebra crossing.

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  • Year 6 Safety and Citizenship Pre-transition Presentation

    Published 27/03/24

    On Wednesday 27th March Year 6 took part in a  one-hour In-School Presentation (ISP) to educate students about personal safety, respect, responsibility and awareness both on and around public transport run by Transport for London. It covered the different forms of public transport and addresses all key aspects of the KS2 Citizenship curriculum. The presentation informed, challenged and reinforced the knowledge of Year 6 students as they become increasingly independent ready for secondary school. 

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  • Police Workshop - Future Life

    Published 26/03/24

    On Tuesday 26th March Year 6 had the privilege to attend a workshop run by the Metropolitan Police, which discussed lots of important issues. The purpose of the workshop was to provide us with information about preventing knife crime, as well as the dangers of gangs and illegal drugs. Did you know that the age of accountability in the eyes of the law is 10? Did you know that some of the medications prescribed by doctors are categorised as Class A, B and C drugs? We learned about all of these things in a safe environment, as well as having the opportunity to have our questions answered by a professional. read what some of the Year 6 pupils thought about the session:

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  • World Book Day & Special Author Visit

    Published 12/03/24

    The children had a great time celebrating World Book Day this year. We decided to change things up and have reading announcements at different times throughout the day. Whenever the children heard these announcements, they stopped whatever they were doing and read a book.

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  • Year 5 Active Travel Workshop

    Published 04/03/24

    On March 4th 10 Year 5 pupils took part in a project aimed at increasing walking and ‘park and walk’ in the borough. They were supported by a dedicated workshop leader to promote the map and walk zone at our school.

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  • Dragons Den Experience

    Published 29/02/24

    On Thursday 29th February our School Council/Junior Travel Ambassadors attended the JTA Dragons Den Event at RAF Uxbridge.

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  • Year 6 Bikeability Week

    Published 26/02/24

    Year 6 took part in Bikeability week - 26th February to 29th February. Bikeability is a cycle training programme designed to give pupils the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on the road.

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  • Brentford FC Workshop

    Published 09/02/24

    In the last week of an exceptionally busy half term, we had an amazing workshop delivered by Marcus Gayle and Bevan Vincent from Brentford FC. The focus was on equality and diversity and was very thought provoking. We had time to reflect on how we put this in practice in our everyday lives; both in and out of school. The pair were so friendly and down to earth, we felt comfortable discussing difficult topics and think about how we could resolve situations that arise. In fact our only complaint was that the time flew by so fast!

    Don't take just my word for it - see what our Year 6 pupils thought:

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  • The Riot Act

    Published 06/02/24

    On Tuesday 6th February we had The Riot Act in school to deliver their Road Safety and Active Travel tour: ‘How We Roll!’ for our Year 5/6 students. This production promoted the key road safety messages and raised awareness of distractions such a phones, music and friends. The performers used funny characters to portray the messages and encouraged the pupils to interact in the production. 

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  • Year 3 Trip to the British Museum

    Published 06/02/24

    Our Year 3 children went on an exciting, educational trip to the British Museum in London. We explored the Roman galleries displaying objects from all over the empire.

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  • Year 6 RAF Bunker Visit

    Published 31/01/24

    This half term Year 6 have been learning about World War Two. We have focused on what part the bunker at RAF Uxbridge played in the Battle of Britain. And what better way to learn than to visit the place where it all happened? On our trip, we were told about the brave men and women who worked at the bunker. As the location of No. 11 Group RAF's Operations Room, The Battle of Britain Bunker was invaluable in defending Britain's airspace. We travelled back in time, descending into the bunker itself and exploring the visitor centre to understand what pivotal decisions were made to prevent Operation Sea Lion. Without these momentous contributions, we would be living in a very different world today.

    Noah (Attenborough) - My favourite part was inside the bunker because it was fun to see all the stuff and what happened in the war. 

    Sindy (Attenborough) -This trip was very exciting and told us lots of interesting facts about how World War II started and how the Battle of Britain took place. 

    Gabi (Anderson) - My experience today was awesome! It really gave me an image of WW2. I find it interesting to learn what used to happen in the bunker and don't want it to happen again. I learnt that back then, dresses were made out of left-over parachutes because there was a ration on fabric.

    Olivia ( Attenborough) - I think the trip to the bunker was fun because we got to exp0lore different artefacts from that period of time.

    Kaif (Attenborough) - My favourite part of the museum because of all the guns, tanks, equipment that we could see close up. 

    Rhomel (Attenborough) - The best bit was when we got to see the p[lotting table (where Winston Churchill stood) as the Battle of Britain began.

    Isla (Attenborough) - I liked the part where we got to listen to phones warning  of air raids and the damage caused and trying on the RAF uniforms.

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