Latest News

Page 20

  • Year 1 Pizza Making Workshop

    Published 09/07/19

    The children enjoyed their trip to 'big school', Barnhill, where they got to use their facilities for our DT lessons. They designed their own pizzas and learnt how to cut and slice vegetables safely.  

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  • Sports Day

    Published 08/07/19

    Children were grouped into House Teams and had a spectacular day competing against each other to win points for their House. Once all Year Groups have completed their Sports Day the points will be added and the winning House revealed.

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  • Windsor Castle Trip

    Published 03/07/19

    As part of our topic about ‘Castles’ Year 2 went to visit a real castle called ‘Windsor Castle’ especially as it is very famous and has had many famous events happen there.

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  • We're No.1 Celebration Picnic

    Published 28/06/19

    Belmore started the year in an excellent place...  Our position as the best school for children in this area was confirmed by Government league tables released just before Christmas.  In fact many of you will have seen online and in the local paper that Belmore is now the best school in Hillingdon with our children making better progress across the board than children in any other primary school.

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  • Year 6 Butlin's Trip 2019

    Published 24/06/19

    Our Year 6 children started their journey to Butlin's on Monday 24 June.  Keep a track of what they are up to on a daily basis with our regular updates.

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  • Art Exhibition

    Published 19/06/19

    To celebrate all the wonderful art work, we help two exhibitions which showed just how creative and diverse Belmore really is. Parents had a wonderful time viewing all the artwork and we would like to thank any parents who came along to the exhibitions to browse and to those who bought their children's work; we know how very proud they were to show you their work on display. 

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  • Art Week Winners

    Published 18/06/19

    Mr Bateman had a very tricky but important job to decide the winners. He loved all the artwork but his chosen winners were:

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  • Art Week

    Published 10/06/19

    During the second week of June Belmore got creative once again! This Art Week was very special as it was created in loving memory of Ruth Green, a past staff member who had a passion for art and wanted to celebrate this by awarding those with fantastic artistic skills.

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  • Special Lunch Treat

    Published 16/05/19

    Belmore children had an ice cream treat during lunch for all their hard work across the year and to celebrate Year 2 and Year 6 on completing their SATs.  

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  • Reception Pirates

    Published 03/05/19

    Reception had a fantastic day dressing up for our topic Pirates. We had a great day of pirate activities such as making pirate hats, decorating pirate biscuits and making pirate fruit punch.

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  • Awards Ceremony at City Hall

    Published 02/05/19

    Belmore celebrated their artistic success by attending the Mayor of London Fourth Plinth awards ceremony at City Hall. Ten lucky children from Hedgehog Class, Year 2, who created the winning piece, got to travel to London and receive the award for Hedgehog Class’s artwork named ‘As Proud As a Peacock’.

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  • Football team win first place

    Published 29/04/19

     After playing in the preliminary rounds, Belmore managed to make the semi-finals and made it into the finals against Hayes Park. They played a fantastic game, winning 2-0 and taking home the trophy.

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