Latest News

Page 22

  • Big Battery Hunt

    Published 01/03/19

    The Big Battery Hunt is back for 2019. Belmore has now joined many schools taking part in this years Big Battery Hunt. 

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  • Celebrating Chinese New Year

    Published 15/02/19

    The children in Reception have had a lovely week learning and celebrating Chinese New Year.

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  • Reception's Local Walk

    Published 15/02/19

    Thank you to all the parents who helped with Reception's local walk today, it was very exciting for everyone involved as we got to see where we live, our local bus stop, church, community center and even some builders creating a new road.

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  • Football Tournament

    Published 14/02/19

    On Thursday 14 February, we took two teams to compete in a qualifying tournament for Hayes and Harlington and Sandgate FC.

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  • Valentine Disco

    Published 14/02/19

    Another fantastic disco was held on Thursday 14 February.  Everyone had a lot of fun and danced the afternoon away to a live DJ. 

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  • National Story Telling week

    Published 31/01/19

    This week our children took part in National Story Telling week. This was an amazing opportunity for children and adults to share their favourite stories across the school. 

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  • NHS Assembly

    Published 18/01/19

    Our KS1 assembly was about keeping healthy and making sure we knew which organisations and people are there to help us when we are feeling ill.

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  • Year 2 Christmas Performance

    Published 19/12/18

    Year 2 produced fantastic performances of 'The Inn-Spectors'.

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  • Design Technology Week

    Published 13/12/18

    Belmore children had a fantastic week showing off their artistic and creative skills during Design Technology Week. Each year group had their own Christmas themed project where children did an amazing job at designing and crafting their individual masterpiece.

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  • School Decorations

    Published 03/12/18

    Children had a great week transforming the school into the festive season. The halls are now sparkling and twinkling with decorations made by the children.

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  • Children in Need

    Published 16/11/18

    Belmore had a great day supporting and fundraising for BBC Children in Need.  Parents, children and staff made an amazing effort supporting this cause. 
    The children looked fantastic in their spotty, gold and/or Pudsey clothes and had fun doing Pudsey arts and crafts in Breakfast Club. 

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  • Year 1 Police Visit

    Published 15/11/18

    Year 1 have been learning about Our Local Area and received a visit from the local police station. Thank you to the Barnhill Safer Neighbourhood team for answering all our questions and telling us about how to keep safe in our local area.

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