Latest News

Page 23

  • Remembrance Day

    Published 09/11/18

    On Friday 9 November Belmore held assemblies to show our respect as part of Remembrance Day. 

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  • Schools for Success

    Published 18/10/18

    Belmore’s exceptional achievements recognised by Mayor of London... The exceptional performance of Belmore has been honoured by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.

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  • Art Week

    Published 12/10/18

    This term Belmore participated in a whole week of Art! The focus of the week had a literacy focus and each year group created their masterpieces inspired by a story book that teachers shared with the children.

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  • Lunch Time Treat

    Published 04/10/18

    Belmore children enjoyed a delicious treat for all their hard work and fantastic results achieved. 

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  • National Poetry Day

    Published 04/10/18

    On Thursday the children at Belmore took part in National Poetry Day. The theme for this day was 'change'. Children looked at and discussed different poems involving change like change in seasons, change in feelings and change in growth.

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  • Cross Country Competition

    Published 02/10/18

    Our boys team came 9th and girls team came 6th out of 9 schools in the Hayes and Harrington area. Next week we host the borough competition where schools from all over Hillingdon will compete. Rebecca Forsyth in 6N came 10th overall and has qualified for the borough event.

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  • Trim Trail

    Published 18/09/18

    Belmore's new Trim Trail has been a great hit with children and a fun start to the year. Children can benefit from physical activity which is proven to enhance physical health, boost mental wellbeing, build resilience, lift academic achievement and create active habits for life.

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  • Playground Floor Markings

    Published 14/09/18

    Thermmark have done a fantastic job at transforming Belmore’s playground into a very vibrant and exciting space for children to play and develop their skills as well as encourage social interaction.

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  • Nursery Graduation Day

    Published 12/07/18

    All parents were invited to celebrate with the nursery children for an end of the year special Graduation on 12 July before the children start full time school. The graduates bravely went on stage, were presented with a graduation hat and a beautiful individual learning journey book which included many pieces of work and pictures. The event ended with cakes, drinks and time with teachers.

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  • A Visit from Zoolab

    Published 11/07/18

    Reception had a visit from Zoolab. Lucy brought in a range of lovely Minibeasts for us to meet. We met George the giant snail, Charlie the hissing cockroach, Matilda the millipede, Ivy the tarantula, Harley the corn snake and Nobert the leopard Gecko. We held them, stroked them or waved hello to them. We had lots of fun! 

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  • Year 2 Trip to Windsor Castle

    Published 10/07/18

    During our final term in Year 2 we learnt all about ‘Castles’ and were very excited to go and visit a real castle called ‘Windsor Castle’ especially as there had been a VERY famous wedding there recently!

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  • Belmore's Summer Fair

    Published 06/07/18

    We would like to thank everyone who came and supported the school at our Summer Fair, it was wonderful to see so many of you there.  

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