Latest News

Page 24

  • Year 5 & Year 6 Sports Day

    Published 05/07/18

    Year 5 and Year 6 were grouped into House Teams and had a spectacular day competing against each other to win points for their House. Once all Year Groups have completed their Sports Day the points will be added and the winning House revealed.


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  • Belmore's Got Talent

    Published 29/06/18

    To show case some of the talent we have in Belmore, Ms Harvey organised the Belmore's Got Talent Event which ran for 2 weeks.

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  • Reception Sports Day

    Published 28/06/18

    Reception had great fun competing against each other in the events organised by Mr Berry on Sports day. These included the javelin, bean bag throwing, running and the ever tricky sack race. 

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  • Year 6 Bowling Trip

    Published 27/06/18

    The Year 6 reward trip to bowling is well underway!

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  • An Afternoon at Barnhill

    Published 27/06/18

    Class 5S had a great afternoon at Barnhill in the Science lab with Miss Begum (science teacher).

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  • Garden Club Update

    Published 26/06/18

    Belmore's Garden has flourished. Garden Club children have been very busy with maintaining and harvesting the school garden. 

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  • NED Assembly (Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best)

    Published 25/06/18

    Belmore children had a motivating visit from the NED show which is showcased across the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada. 

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  • NSPCC Sponsored Event

    Published 22/06/18

    For our NSPCC sponsored event Belmore children set up a fitness obstacle course. With Mr Berry’s and Mr Chamberlain's help,  the Belmore Pupil Learning Community children designed the fitness course for each year group. The course was adapted for each year group and became more challenging for the older year groups. 

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  • Parent Reading Workshop

    Published 20/06/18

    Thank you to all those parents who attended the Reading Workshop this week. We had a great time Reading with our children and learning about phonics.

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  • Year 1 Trip to London Zoo

    Published 23/05/18

    Year 1 had a great day at London Zoo. The children were very excited to see all the animals and enjoyed walking around under the sunshine. 

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  • Year 6 Residential Trip to Butlins

    Published 21/05/18

    Year 6 are enjoying the sun in Butlins. Watch this space for daily updates!

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  • Royal Wedding Celebration

    Published 18/05/18

    Belmore had a great day celebrating the Royal Wedding dressed in Red, White and Blue or clothes fit for a Royal wedding.

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