Latest News

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  • Garden Club

    Published 10/05/18

    Garden Club children have been working hard on the school garden. They have tidied the Polytunnel, cleared all the flowerbeds from weeds, and planted a variety of 80 seeds into small pots.

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  • 100% Attendance Pizza Party

    Published 04/05/18

    As a treat for those children who have maintained 100% attendance during the Autumn and Spring Terms, a Pizza Party was held. All children received a special certificate signed by the Headteacher and had a non-school uniform day.

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  • Year 5 Shelter Making Workshop

    Published 27/04/18

    We have been looking at some key skills recently during Design & Technology week, from designing, making and evaluating.

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  • Year 4 Tart Baking Workshop

    Published 26/04/18

    We linked our Design & Technology project to our summer term topic on the Tudors.

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  • Year 1 Pizza Making Workshop

    Published 24/04/18

    The children enjoyed their trip to 'big school', Barnhill, where they got to use their facilities for our DT lessons. They designed their own pizzas and learnt how to cut and slice vegetables safely.  

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  • Cycling Competition

    Published 26/03/18

    After having many practise sessions with Mac and British Cycling, we were invited to compete in the Hillingdon Level 2 Cycling Competition which was held here at Belmore on Monday 26 March. 

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  • Sport Relief 2018

    Published 23/03/18

    On Friday 23 March, Belmore Primary Academy participated in Sport Relief 2018 in our annual aim to support Comic Relief. 

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  • Year 5 Trip to Heathrow Perimeter

    Published 22/03/18

    On Thursday we went to the outside of Heathrow Airport to collect traffic data. We recorded the noise in db and the number of cars that passed us in 5 and 10 minutes.

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  • World Book Day

    Published 05/03/18

    Children and staff enjoyed a day full of story telling adventures while dressed up as one of their favourite book characters. 

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  • Children In Need

    Published 17/11/17

    A huge thank you to everyone who supported the school in raising money for Children In Need 2017. The children and staff looked fantastic in their 'Rockin' the 80's' outfits!

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  • Reception’s Sensory Garden

    Published 10/11/17

    The garden in Reception has been transformed into an exciting and adventurous outdoor learning space with plenty to explore and do.  Children are free to explore and manipulate the environment around them using all their senses.

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  • Year 3 Trip to Chiltern Open Air Museum

    Published 02/11/17

    On Thursday 2 November, Year 3 went to the Chiltern Open Air Museum to learn about the Stone Age. We looked at some of the buildings around the site and went inside the Iron Age Round House. It was very dark because the house had no windows, and the fire pit in the middle of the house was the only source of light, warmth and was also used for cooking.

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