Latest News

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  • World Mental Health Day - Hello Yellow

    Published 13/10/23

    There was a sea of yellow in the school on Friday 13th October. Staff and children were invited to come to school dressed in yellow to raise awareness for World Mental Health Day.

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  • Macmillan Coffee Morning

    Published 29/09/23

    Thank you from Nikki Morgan to all who helped put on the MacMillan Coffee morning together. Thank very much to everyone for your generous donations in support of such a good cause today. We raised £285.50.  Absolutely amazing!  

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  • National Teaching Assistants Day

    Published 29/09/23

    Friday 29th September was National Teaching Assistants Day.

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  • Fantastic 'Egg-speriment' in Year 4

    Published 26/09/23

    In Year 4 children looked at how different drinks affect our teeth, and the importance of brushing by doing a fun science experiment.

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  • Evolution and Inheritance in Science

    Published 25/09/23

    This term, Year 6 are learning about Evolution and Inheritance in Science. We have been answering the question "Why do offspring look different from their parents?" by looking at how genetics are passed on through DNA in our cells. We discussed the difference between inherited and environmental features and how this may vary even within the same family.

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  • Visit to the Post Box

    Published 21/09/23

    Some of the children who access our Warhol and Einstein intervention classes have been learning about the Colour Monster.

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  • Pupil Council Elections

    Published 18/09/23

    At Belmore, we believe that the students should have the opportunity to voice their opinions about things that happen in school.

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  • Pastoral and Hillingdon Stronger Families Coffee Morning

    Published 13/09/23

     Thank you to all those that attended the coffee morning. There was a fantastic turn out and great to see so many parents/carers attend our first coffee morning of the new academic year.

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  • Welcome Back Assemblies

    Published 08/09/23

    Our first assembly of the year was a values assembly, which focused on the book 'All are welcome' by Alexandra Penfold.

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  • Whole School VIP Assemblies

    Published 21/07/23

    One child per class from Nursery to Year 6 was nominated by teachers for the Pupil of the Year, Pupil of the Term and the Right Choice award. Certificates were presented to the children at the special VIP assemblies this week. 

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  • Year 2 SATs

    Published 18/07/23

    This was the final year that we administered the Year 2 national tests in Reading and Maths. I would like to take this opportunity to tell all the parents and carers of all the children in Year 2, what incredibly resilient children we have at Belmore. The teachers and support staff are so proud of them for achieving the results that we have had this year. We need to remember that these children also had their education disrupted by Covid.

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  • Reception Visit to Woburn Safari Park

    Published 17/07/23

    Reception were able to bring our project ‘Big Wide World’ to life on our visit to Woburn Safari Park. We have been learning about animals from all over the world.

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