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Page 6

  • Year 6 PGL Trip

    Published 19/06/23

    Year 6 have had a fantastic weekend away at Marchants Hill PGL. The children stepped out of their comfort zones and fully threw themselves into activities such as abseiling, climbing and even experiencing the thrill of a giant swing! They also worked together in teams to manoeuvre around a sensory trail - while blindfolded! - and constructed a raft that could support all members of the group. Over the course of 4 fun-filled days, the Year 6's impressed the teachers and parents with their growing resilience, courage and independence. Well done!

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  • Stronger Families Coffee Morning

    Published 06/06/23

    On Tuesday 6th June, we held a coffee morning in partnership with Hillingdon Stronger Families. During the coffee morning, parents were introduced to the staff in the pastoral team and talk about how the aim in the future is to sign post services and community organisations to parents, as well as hold more coffee mornings.

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  • Year 2 Building Bug Hotels

    Published 05/06/23

    During the half-term holidays, the children enjoyed making some bug hotels.  We were very impressed with the different types of hotels made. We look forward to putting them in our garden area and watching what bugs arrive.

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  • Brentford Football Club Supports Year 1 in PE Sessions

    Published 26/05/23
    Rory's involvement with Year 1 at Brentford Football Club has been a rewarding experience for both the students and himself.  Rory shared his excitement about working with Year 1 for the past six weeks. He has said 'It's b
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  • Congratulations Year 6!

    Published 23/05/23

    Year 6 students, congratulations on completing your SATs! As you prepare to embark on a new adventure, take pride in your accomplishments and the personal growth you've achieved. Remember that success is not measured solely by your SATs results but by your resilience, character, and determination.

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  • Year 6's Sustainable Art Masterpieces

    Published 23/05/23

    In art, Year 6 have been looking at environmental artists and how their works provide a message. Themes have included global warming, animal and plant extinction and sustainability. 

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  • Year 4 Curriculum Update

    Published 22/05/23

    In Year 4, students have embarked on an exciting journey to explore the wonders of electricity and its immense impact on our lives. From lighting up our homes to driving technological advancements, electricity plays a vital role in powering the modern world. Let's dive into the electrifying discoveries made by these young minds and understand how this powerful force benefits humanity.

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  • Year 3 Curriculum Update

    Published 21/05/23

    For their literacy narrative, the children in Year 3 have been exploring what happens when the main character, who is scared by noises in the walls, falls asleep with her comfort toy, only to have bad dreams. The children have been using powerful adjectives and descriptions to write about her nightmare. 

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  • Year 1 Curriculum Update

    Published 21/05/23

    The children have been learning about the different seasonal changes in the UK.  In Geography, they have learnt about the four seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and have looked at what happens to nature around us during the seasons.

    In Science, they have been learning about how the length of the day changes and varies from season to season. They had a lot of fun investigating this using shadows and their shapes.  They learnt that shadows will get longer during the day and will be at their longest at dusk, before the sun sets. They created shadow puppets, pretended their torches were the sun and tried to make the shadows longer and shorter.

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  • Reception Curriculum Update

    Published 20/05/23

    In reception this half-term our project was ‘Sunshine and Flowers’. This seasonal project provides opportunities for outdoor learning and teaches children how to care for the plants and animals in their local environment and how to stay safe in the sun.

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  • Mental Health Awareness Week

    Published 19/05/23

    On Mental Health Awareness Week, staff raised awareness of anxiety by encouraging students to wear green as a show of support. 

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  • Year 5 and Year 6 Girls Cricket Festival

    Published 18/05/23

    Year 5 and 6 girls from Belmore represented our school proudly at the HillingdonGirls Cricket Festival on Thursday 18th May. Cricket is a much-loved sport, played and celebrated all around the world - particularly in countries such as Australia, South America, West Indies, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and New Zealand. 

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