Latest News

Page 9

  • Year 1 Friendship Web

    Published 06/02/23

    In RE this week, the children brought their friendships to life by creating their very own friendship web!

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  • Royal Poses

    Published 06/02/23

    For their History lesson, Year 2 children were comparing royal poses throughout the years.

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  • Children's Mental Health Workshop

    Published 03/02/23

    It was fantastic to see a great turn out to our parent workshop about supporting our children's mental health run by our Pastoral Manager, Mrs Morgan this afternoon.

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  • Reception Learning Phonics

    Published 01/02/23

    Reception children are participating in their daily Read Write Inc phonic lesson.

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  • Year 1 Learning About Christianity

    Published 30/01/23

    This half term, our topic in RE is Christianity, with a particular focus on friendship and how Jesus showed friendship to others.

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  • Year 1 Curriculum Update

    Published 27/01/23

    In Literacy this term, Year 1 loved their trip to space for our experience day! To envision what a day in space would feel like and allow the children to empathise with the characters in our book for this half term ‘The Way Back Home’, we decided to turn our classrooms in to space! The children were fully immersed in this experience and this enabled them to develop some brilliant vocabulary to use in their writing!

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  • PSHRE - Keeping Safe

    Published 27/01/23

    Year 3 are exploring about how we keep ourselves safe and learning about 'safe' and 'unsafe' environments.

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  • Year 3 Answering the Big Question

    Published 27/01/23

    Year 3 are answering the BIG QUESTION: 
    What impact did the Roman invasion have on Britain? 

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  • Line, Light and Shadows

    Published 27/01/23

    Year 5 are learning all about the visual qualities of line, light and shadows.

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  • Year 3 Literacy

    Published 25/01/23

    Year three are writing a narrative based on the book 'Flood' by Alvaro Villa where a family has to evacuate their home amidst a raging storm.

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  • The Shang Dynasty

    Published 21/01/23

    This term in art, Year 5 children were making dragon eyes inspired by our previous history topic The Shang Dynasty.

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  • Mythologica

    Published 20/01/23

    In Year 5 this term, the children are learning all about Ancient Greeks, in both history and guided reading, which they are thoroughly enjoying.

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