Year 2 SATs
This was the final year that we administered the Year 2 national tests in Reading and Maths. I would like to take this opportunity to tell all the parents and carers of all the children in Year 2, what incredibly resilient children we have at Belmore. The teachers and support staff are so proud of them for achieving the results that we have had this year. We need to remember that these children also had their education disrupted by Covid.
Together, throughout the year, we worked hard to overcome and learn some very challenging concepts. In reading, whilst keeping up with our phonic knowledge, we have learnt to develop our fluency and expression; retrieve answers from some challenging texts and have begun to use our inference skills to read between the lines; understanding that although the text can help us to understand what has happened in a story, it almost always doesn’t tell us why events have happened. In Maths, we have been working on our reasoning skills. Exploring what we understand about number, how to show and how to tell whether answers are true or false and being able to explain how we know that answers are correct and if not, explain why. We have used manipulatives to help embed these concepts, by being able to show things in different ways, using models and drawings to support our answers.
Thank you Year 2, you have shown throughout this year how you have all followed Belmore’s five core values. You are all amazing!