Urgent News

Page 6

  • Critical Worker Registration

    Published 03/01/21
    January 2021 - Please click here to register online
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  • School reopening – Monday 8 March

    Published 03/12/20
    Click here for more details
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  • Christmas Lunch

    Published 30/11/20

    Sign up here

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  • Staff Inset Day – Friday 18 December

    Published 05/10/20
    please click here for more information
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  • Parent Governor Vacancy

    Published 04/10/20
    Click here to apply now
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  • Email Registration

    Published 28/09/20
    Please click here to fill in your details
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  • Click here to buy new uniform online

    Published 18/03/20
    Buy now and collect from school from Friday 4 September.
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  • Apply now

    Published 01/10/18

    Click here to apply for a place at Belmore

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