Year 6

Home Learning

This page contains links for all parents to use to support their children to learn at home.  If, for any reason, your child cannot come in to school you can use the resources below to help make sure they do not fall behind.

At this time parents are not able to talk to teachers on site as freely as normal.  However, we know that there may be questions and issues you might want to raise so you can contact your child’s class teacher or the Year Leader using the email below:

For something more urgent you can call the main school number.

Timetable For Home Learning

Children are expected to carry on learning from home if required to self isolate during term time. A home learning timetable can be accessed from this section.

Useful Links to Online Learning Sites

The Internet is an invaluable tool for teaching and learning and is an amazing resource. However, it is very important to keep your child safe online.  There are many sites online that provide a wealth of up to date information about how parents/carers can support their child with online safety.  Please do visit these sites and 'Be SMART online!'

Online Safety 

All Areas of Learning

Literacy  (Reading - Writing - Spelling - Phonics) 
