External Workshops, Events & Support

At Belmore we know that our parents/carers sometimes need advice on how they can support their child with Special Educational Needs, or any other concerns that they may have regarding their child’s development. 

As a school we will always try our best to provide support and advice to our parents/carers, but we appreciate that there are more experienced and qualified professionals that you can access.

This is where we hope this information helps.

Keep checking this page regularly for updated information regarding events and workshops occurring within school and the local community, which you may find useful and beneficial for you and your child.

Hillingdon Mental Health Support Team - Self-Referral 

Hillingdon Mental Health Support Team are launching a self-referral route to our service; please find linked below our self-referral information leaflet and our self-referral form for pupils and parents at the school who will be able to self-refer to their service during the summer holidays.

Referral Information

Referral Form

PSD Extra-Curricular Clubs KS1 & KS2  

Parent Carer Support 

Brilliant Parents Triple P Seminar 

SEND & Inclusion Training Courses for Parents/Carers 

Please click here to see details of upcoming workshops in Hillingdon.

Speech and Language Therapy 

The Speech and Language Therapy team are running 4 workshops in November for families to assess for free. 

Speech and Language Therapy Workshops

Children’s Integrated Therapy Service (CITS)
Beaufort House, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
3rd Floor, Cricket Field Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 1QG

Family Fund Workshops 

Family Fund has a number of online workshops available.

The Discover Digital workshops are free and here to support parents and carers with disabled or seriously ill children to use technology. The support we provide covers everything from:

  • skills workshops on how to use your iPad, from learning about accessibility features, to how to use parental controls.
  • creative workshops for the whole family, using fun apps you can get on your iPad.
  • social stories workshops, to help parent/carers to create quick and personalised social stories from their own home.
  • money support workshops, to help families maximise their benefit entitlement.
Please find below more details and the workshop sign up links 
If you have any questions about the Discover Digital programme, or need support signing up for a workshop, the team at Family Fund will be happy to chat through this with you. You can also call them on 01904 550066 for more information.

 Uxbridge Holiday Club 

NHS CYP - Autism Fact Sheet

Please click here for fact sheet regarding a Child or Young Person who is newly diagnosed with Autism.

Hillingdon Winter Wellness Directory & Community Warm Welcome Centres  

Please find linked below the Winter Wellness Directory and a list of Community Warm Welcome Centres in the borough which will support your families during the winter period.

The directory includes information on:

  • Government Scheme
  • Council Help
  • Debt and budgeting advice
  • Household bills and appliances
  • Self-care and Mental Health support
  • Local support groups
  • Local food banks

For more information please contact:

Education & SEND
London Borough of Hillingdon
4E/07 Civic Centre
Uxbridge UB8 1UW

Please access education information via LEAP


Winter Wellness Directory

Warm Centres in Hillingdon

Listening Ear Service 

Just a reminder about our Listening Ear Service.  The service is available to any family across the UK and we offer appointments on a Saturday morning too.

We have a video of Shona, our Senior Parent Advisor, talking about the service https://youtu.be/aClU6tRspRI and Noreen and Michele have made a podcast What is Contact's Listening Ear service? by The helpful podcast for families with disabled children • A podcast on Anchor – please feel free to share and promote.

Families can book an appointment by following this link to our website https://contact.org.uk/help-for-families/listening-ear/ then register on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/contact-for-families-with-disabled-children-30452924652 - we have daytime, evening and weekend appointments available.

Free help, advice and urgent mental health support for children, young people and families 

Every NHS mental health trust in London has put these in place, so children, young people and their families can get help quickly when they need it. The crisis lines are supported by trained mental health practitioners, who can offer advice and signpost other sources of support as needed.

Please click here for a brief information pack with details of these crisis lines as well as other support available

HIllingdon Family support Services (Stronger Families) 

Please click here to view Stronger Families Flyer.

Hillingdon Brilliant Parents 

‘We at Brilliant Parents and Hillingdon Council are here to help you as a parent/carer living in Hillingdon. We offer a wide variety of FREE online and face to face parenting courses and workshops for parents with children aged 2-11 or teens, 12-16 years and those parents whose children have additional needs.  The courses are held over a duration of 6-8 weeks and the workshops are one off and last for two hours each.  They cover specific subjects on common behaviour problems which you might be facing. These can range from dealing with challenging behaviour for the 2- 11 year olds or, reducing family conflict and coping with teenagers’ emotions.

Being a parent is not always easy but you are not alone if you find it tough at times. We are here to help you be the best parent you can be! 

Please follow/like our Hillingdon Brilliant Parents Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/HillingdonBrilliantParents for regular updates on available workshops and events. You will also find handy information on how to deal with common parenting problems, useful tips, links, information on health and wellbeing and much more!

Register using Eventbrite 

Dear parents/carers,

Please see attached flyer for details on dates/times and how to register using Eventbrite, if you wish to learn more about the following topics from Contact (the charity for families with disabled children):

  • Encouraging positive behaviour
  • Helping your child sleep
  • Money matters
  • Early years education
  • Support for speech, language and communication (age 0-5)

Free Parent Support 

‘’We at Brilliant Parents and Hillingdon Council are here to help you as a parent/carer living in Hillingdon. We offer a wide variety of FREE online and face to face parenting courses and workshops for parents with children aged 2-11 or teens, 12-16 years and those parents whose children have additional needs.  The courses are held over a duration of 6-8 weeks and the workshops are one off and last for two hours each.  They cover specific subjects on common behaviour problems which you might be facing. These can range from dealing with challenging behaviour for the 2- 11 year olds or, reducing family conflict and coping with teenagers’ emotions.

Being a parent is not always easy but you are not alone if you find it tough at times. We are here to help you be the best parent you can be! 

Please follow our Hillingdon Brilliant Parents Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/HillingdonBrilliantParents for regular updates on available workshops and events. You will also find handy information on how to deal with common parenting problems, useful tips, links, information on health and wellbeing and much more!

If you are worried that your child may be at risk of exploitation we are also running a private Facebook Hillingdon Brilliant Parents Support Group. Just type this in your search bar and each request to join will be accepted.’’ https://www.facebook.com/groups/583142055942719

Kind regards

Alex Kidson

Hillingdon Children's Integrated Therapy Service 

Dear parents/carers,

Please see attached flyer, where you can access Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists & Occupational Therapists.

You can keep up to date with Hillingdon Talks, Moves and Plays across social media:

If you have any questions, please contact 01895 488 200 or email citsadmin.cnwl@nhs.net.  

Best wishes,
Hillingdon PCF
On behalf of the Steering Committee

Affordable Sensory Equipment 

Dear parents/carers,

In response to parents nationwide, the Caudwell Children charity are providing affordable sensory equipment through their "Get Sensory Packs" scheme

Sensory Packs

Parents/carers are required to pay £20 to cover 20%. Eligibility criteria is provided in the above link.

Best wishes,
Hillingdon PCF
On behalf of the Steering Committee

Centre for ADHD and Autism Support Digital Offer 

Dear parents/carers,

Please click here to view details of what's digitally on offer, in terms of support service and education during COVID-19 lockdown.

Best wishes,
Hillingdon PCF
On behalf of the Steering Committee

Hillingdon Educational Psychology Service Resources 

Dear parents/carers,

Please see below for some very useful links and book listings circulated by our Education Psychology Service, to encourage and assist you with conversations with your children and young people at this time.

Best wishes,

Hillingdon PCF
On behalf of the Steering Committee

Resources for Schools and Parents

We all realise how difficult it can be trying to talk to children and young people about global crises. As psychologists we are often asked about how much to tell children, how and when to talk to them, and how we can feel prepared for challenging conversations. We have therefore started to compile a list of resources and helpful websites for you to use over the coming weeks.

American Psychological Association: Information on Pandemics (a wide range of resources)

Anna Freud: Self-Care and Coping Strategies

BBC: How to protect your mental health

CBBC: Video and Questions

ChildMind: Talking to Children

ELSA: Coronavirus Story for Children

National Association of School Psychologists: Parent Resources

Young Minds: Feeling Anxious about Coronavirus



Something Bad Happened: A Kid’s Guide to Coping with events in the News
Dawn Huebner. How to process different world events (ages 6-12).

The Day the Sea Went Out and Never Came Back
Margot Sunderland. A story for children who have lost someone they love (ages 4-12).

Draw on Your Emotions
Margot Sunderland. A resource to help people express and communication their emotions. 

What To Do When You’re Scared & Worried: A Guide for Kids
James Crist. A help guide to processing fears and worries (ages 9-13).

Have You Filled A Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids
Carol McCloud. Encourages positive behaviour and expressing kindness and appreciation.

How are you Peeling: Foods with Moods
Saxton Freymann & Joost Elffers. Explores how emotions look through pictures of Foods. A good way to talk about emotions with young children.

The Way I Feel
Janan Cain. Explores feelings and a helpful way to talk about emotions with young children.

A Terrible Thing Happened
Margaret Holmes. A story for children who have witnessed violence or trauma (ages 4-8).

To find out more information on Hillingdon EPS Service, visit our EPS Local Offer page: click here

British Dyslexia Association 

Dear parents/carers,

The subject of dyslexia has been raised by a parent, so we thought we would share some useful information with you all. 

The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) uses the Rose (2009) definition for dyslexia - "a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling". People with dyslexia process information in a different way. The website says that 10% of the population are believed to be dyslexic and that a child can only be diagnosed with dyslexia through a diagnostic assessment but these are usually only carried out from 7 years old.

The BDA website can be accessed here:

Please watch this 3 minute video, because it is important to remember that there are positives to thinking differently. Many dyslexic people show strengths in areas such as reasoning and in visual and creative fields.


BDA advice


National Disabled Identification (DID) Card 

Dear parents/carers,

One of our members kindly wrote to us with the below link to share with you all:


The National Disabled Identification (DID) Card was introduced in response to disabled people posting comments in a number of social media sites that they were getting tired of constantly having to carry their paperwork proving they were entitled to some form of disability benefit in order to obtain a concessionary rate.

Not every disability is visible. Parents of children with disabilities and special needs, whose children's disability is not immediately obvious, such as autism, global developmental delay and other disabilities, find it hard to explain their disability, especially if the children present may be unaware that they have a disability.

Disabled individuals often do not want to request or highlight the fact they have a disability when they would be entitled to concessionary rates. There can be stigma attached to requesting disabled rates. Hopefully, this card is beneficial to you.

Autism Alert Card and Passport Scheme 

Dear Hillingdon Parents & Carers

An Autism alert card and passport scheme, has been introduced across London, as a result of a collaboration between the Metropolitan Police Service, City of London Police and British Transport Police. It has been developed following extensive consultations with individuals with autism and their parents, the National Autistic Society, Autism Partnership Boards, and supported by the National Police Autism Association.

The cards will alert officers to the fact that the individual may have difficulty with communication and exhibit unusual or unpredictable behaviour. In turn, officers will be able to make appropriate and reasonable adjustments and interact with the individual appropriately. The larger passports will include the same information and can be carried in bags or rucksacks for the individual to produce when required.

For further reading, please use this link: Launch of Autism Alert Cards

To receive your own card & passport, please send your full postal address in an email to: Autism@met.police.uk

Survey - The things that effect you on a daily basis 

We need your opinion!

We would like to know a little more about the things that effect you on a daily basis. 

If you would like to share some info with us that will help us to create a more detailed picture of the issues that are effecting our service users and shape the future projects and support provided by DASH, then please fill in the anonymous survey by clicking on the button below. 

Hillingdon Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) 

We have been asked to spread awareness about the following website, Hillingdon Talks: Hillingdon Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)

You can access information about the three specialist SALT teams (Early Years, Mainstream, Hearing Impairment), including making a referral. Three teams but one service!

Please take a look at what the teams can offer, and to access information and support. We hope all our parents/carers make full use of this service.

Hillingdon Borough SEND Local Offer 

The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. Knowing what is available and how it is accessed gives more choice and control over what support is right for your child. Parents need to know how to access provision: whether through a statement (or an Education, Health and Care Plan) or not.

The offer includes provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care and has been developed in conjunction with children and young people, parents and carers, and local services, including schools, colleges, health and social care agencies.

For more information click here